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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - observe


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соблюдать (закон, правила и т. п.) OBSERVE гл. 1) соблюдать 2) обнаруживать экспериментально - observed life - observed process Syn: keep, maintain, fulfil
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См. в других словарях

  1. наблюдать, следить (за чем-л.) to observe the habits of ants —- наблюдать за поведением муравьев to observe a surgical operation —- присутствовать на хирургической операции we can observe better from above —- нам лучше будет наблюдать сверху 2. замечать did you observe her reaction? —- вы заметили, как она реагировала на это? I didn't observe the colour of his eyes —- я не заметил цвета его глаз he observed that it had suddenly grown colder —- он почувствовал, что внезапно похолодало 3. сделать замечание; высказаться allow me to observe —- позвольте мне заметить I have very little to on what has been said —- мне остается очень мало добавить к сказанному he observed that we should probably have rain —- он заметил, что, вероятно, будет дождь it will be observed... —- следует отметить... 4. соблюдать, следовать (чему-л.) to observe laws —- соблюдать законы to observe silence —- соблюдать тишину to observe common decencies —- не преступать границ приличия to observe the time —- быть пунктуальным to observe good manners —- быть исключительно вежливым и предупредительным to observe anniversaries —- отмечать годовщины 5. вести (научные) наблюдения; изучать (с помощью наблюдения) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  good manners быть утонченно вежливым; OBSERVE silence хранить молчание; OBSERVE the time быть пунктуальным OBSERVE v.  1) наблюдать, замечать (on/upon); следить (за чем-л.); Did he observe on your unusual appearance?  2) соблюдать (законы и т.п.); - observe good manners - observe silence - observe the time  3) заметить, сказать; allow me to observe - разрешите мне заметить; it will be observed - приходится, надо отметить  4) вести научные наблюдения Syn: see see ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) замечать 2) наблюдать 3) отметить 4) соблюдать if we observe that — замечая что observe with microscope — наблюдать в микроскоп one must observe the rules — следует соблюдать правила - observe polarity - observe the direction - observe with ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. 1 tr. (often foll. by that, how + clause) perceive, note; take notice of; become conscious of. 2 tr. watch carefully. 3 tr. a follow or adhere to (a law, command, method, principle, etc.). b keep or adhere to (an appointed time). c maintain (silence). d duly perform (a rite). e celebrate (an anniversary). 4 tr. examine and note (phenomena) without the aid of experiment. 5 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) say, esp. by way of comment. 6 intr. (foll. by on) make a remark or remarks about. Derivatives observable adj. observably adv. Etymology: ME f. OF observer f. L observare watch (as OB-, servare keep) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; observing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin observare to guard, watch, ~, from ob- in the way, toward + servare to keep — more at conserve  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to conform one's action or practice to (as a law, rite, or condition) ; comply with  2. to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage  3. to celebrate or solemnize (as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way  4.  a. to watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment  b. to make a scientific observation on or of  5. to come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts  6. to utter as a remark  intransitive verb  1.  a. to take notice  b. to make observations ; watch  2. remark, comment  Synonyms: see keep  • observingly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (observes, observing, observed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you observe a person or thing, you watch them carefully, especially in order to learn something about them. Stern also studies and observes the behaviour of babies... Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun. VERB: V n, V n -ing, also V, V n inf 2. If you observe someone or something, you see or notice them. (FORMAL) In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet. VERB: V n 3. If you observe that something is the case, you make a remark or comment about it, especially when it is something you have noticed and thought about a lot. (FORMAL) We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution... ‘He is a fine young man,’ observed Stephen. VERB: V that, V with quote 4. If you observe something such as a law or custom, you obey it or follow it. Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier... The army was observing a ceasefire... VERB: V n, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 (not in progressive) formal to see and notice something  (observe sb doing sth)  (Ben knew that someone had observed him meeting Ryan.) + tha  (She observed that the pond was drying up.) observe sth  (The car I had observed earlier was no longer there.) 2 to watch something or someone carefully  (The police have been observing his movements. | observe what/how/where)  (I sat in a corner and observed what was going on.) 3 to do what you are supposed to do according to a law, agreement, or custom  (So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides. | observe Christmas/May Day etc (=celebrate a traditional holiday)) 4 formal to say what you have noticed about a situation  ("Michael's looking very anxious," I observed. | observe that)  (Keynes observed that humans fall into two classes.) 5 closely observed a play, character etc that is closely observed is very like a situation, character etc in real life ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1390, from O.Fr. observer, from L. observare "watch over, look to, attend to, guard," from ob "over" + servare "to watch, keep safe," from PIE base *ser- "to protect." In M.E., "attend to in practice, keep to;" sense of "watch, perceive, notice," is c.1560, via notion of "see and note omens." Meaning "to say by way of remark" is from 1605. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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